Bon’s Breakdown: Setting Solid Screens and Pinning & Sealing

Video3 years ago1 min readSiobhan Beslow
Bon wearing a yellow Norfolk jersey spinning a basketball. Next to Bon is the title "Bon's Breakdown"

LET’S TALK ABOUT SE– setting solid ass screens and pinning & sealing!! lol And how it all can result in your offense being even tighter, sets to not run as long (which keep the variations of a play a secret for a bit longer), and in easier looks for our elders. Here’s a mini 🧵!

Miami still gets the look they want, but man does it look crowded down there. Great vision, great pass, PJ. Let’s not make things so hard guys.

Good thought, Jimmy! Set a better screen and that pass is even easier. Just because we can do things doesn’t mean we always have to take the more difficult approach! Create space for yourself, shrink the defense for your teammates, and let’s be even cleaner. Y’all have a good one. 🤍 ✨